Single Inheritance

Hello Folks....!!!
Today let us look at the concept of inheritance with examples.


  • It allows a class to derive the properties of another class.
  • It can also be considered as defining a new class with little modification to the existing ones without writing the class again from the scratch.
  • The main advantage of using inheritance concepts is code re-usability.
  • It exhibits transitivity. For example if class B inherits A, class C and D inherits B, then C and D inherits the properties of A also. 
  • The class which derives the properties is called child/derived class. The class from which it derived is parent/base class. For example B inherits A  B-child and A-parent.
  • Depending upon the number of classes inherited it can be classified as single or multiple inheritance.
  • The parent can be made to hold the attributes and functions that are required in common and the child classes can utilize them.
  • Inheritance is 'is-a' relationship which means one is the subclass of the other. For example class B inherits class A, then B is-a subclass of A. Let class A be animals and class B be mammal that inherits animals. So the relationship is mammal is an animal.

Single inheritance

  • If the child class is derived from one parent class.
  • Concept : one parent - one child.
  • For example class B inherits A, class C inherits D
  • Now all the instances (objects) created for class B can access the elements in class A, similarly objects of class C can access class D elements.
  • The syntax is 
            class class_name(parent_class_name):
                    class definition                    
Let us look at an example. Consider creating record of an organization where thousands of people work.

single inheritance in python

 Let this be the base class for this example. The class person has the attributes name,age which are common requirement. All the person in the world has name and age. Then the function for reading the inputs is also provided in the base class. 

single inheritance in python

Now we come to define the next class which is a derived one. The class employee inherits the properties of person. The line  class employee (person) denotes inheritance. Since it inherits only one class 'person' this is of single inheritance concept. This is now the child class. The child class can have extra attributes and functions as per the requirement. Here I have added the designation and overtime as extra attributes and function for reading inputs and one function for printing details.

single inheritance in python

Finally, we have to create instances and call the appropriate functions. The instance is created for the derived class here. So we have the object  e that corresponds to the class employee which has access to the attributes and functions of base class person

Using the created object the read function of the base class (read_base) can be called, the child class read function (read_child) can also be called. In the print_func() function the attributes of the parent class have also been printed. This is the concept of single inheritance.

Note that can create instance of the parent class alone and give values for its attributes also. For example, look at the below.

But if you try to access the the derived class alone and the function in it is dependent on the base class properties, then you cannot execute it independently. You will get an error.

Here I have tried skipping the read_base() function. But in the print_func() function we have coded it to print the name and age which are attributes of the base class. Since we did not get any value for it, we get an error message.

To overcome this problem, there are two solutions;

solution 1: We can write separate functions that allows to access the elements of derived class alone without any errors. For the same example given above, look at the code snippet given. You can modify the class slightly.

Here the print_func1() can be used while accessing the base class also. When you want to access the derived one alone you use the print_func2() function. Thus you can create an object and call the function like this.

This doesn't produce any error. But this is not an efficient way of writing code. Let us have a look at the next solution.

Solution 2: We have separate constructors for both the classes. The constructors initialize the attributes of the class with some default value. To know about constructors see this post. So we can call the constructor of the base class in the child class's constructor. This will initialize the attributes with some default value. The error wont occur now. This is called class composition. Look at the code below.

 Here only one function has been written. In the constructor portion, the object for the base class has been created. It just initializes the value for the base class attributes. If the instance the class employee  is created now, it can be run independently without any error.

You can even call the read_base() function inside read_child() by writing self.personal_det.read_base(). This will get the user input for name and age also.

Next Topic👉
