
 Python is a high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites, analytical and scientific applications and web applications. It is an easy to learn programming language as there are very few syntax's to remember. It is an interpreted language.

    An interpreter executes the statements of code “one-by-one” whereas the compiler executes the code entirely and lists all possible errors at a time. An interpreter converts the code into an intermediate level byte code which is platform independent and makes the code portable. There will be no compilation step in interpreted languages. programming languages of interpreted types are also known as scripts.

    There are several other features of python which makes it very easier to learn. You can use anaconda IDE or jupyter notebook or spyder for executing python codes. Instead of downloading all these you can even use google colab.

    Python provides several packages from which many useful built-in functions can be used. These can installed just by typing "pip install package_name" or "conda install package_name". This is why python is easy to learn.

Let us begin learning python with fun all the way ...!!!
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